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Wind Energy

Updated: May 12, 2022

A Wind Energy uses wind wind force, with turbines, to its transformation in electric energy.

The energy produced by this technology it’s clean and renewable, for that it’s used more and more by the whole planet, because it reduces the pollutant gases from burning fossil fuels and can be installed in multiple places. Today, with photovoltaic energy, they are in the leadership in the expansion of the sources of renewable energy in generation of world electricity.

The transformation of wind energy into electrical energy is carried out through equipment called a wind turbine. Wind turbines have propellers that move with the force of the winds. Initially the kinetic energy of the wind is transformed into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. Generally, a wind system can be used in three different applications:

• Isolated systems: they are small, used to supply certain regions in which it is not feasible to extend the electrical network;

• Hybrid systems: use more than one source for energy generation, for example, it can be composed of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels, among other sources. They are used to serve a greater number of users;

• Systems connected to the grid: they use a large number of wind turbines, as in wind farms. All the energy produced is delivered directly to the electricity grid.

Electricity generation through wind energy mainly depends on wind speed. A wind system has its maximum performance at a given wind speed and small changes in that speed generate big changes in the economic performance of a wind farm.

Therefore, for the installation of a wind system, detailed information on wind speed and direction is essential. From this information it is possible to determine the type of wind turbine that will be used and the best location for its installation.

The leading countries in the use of wind energy are China, the United States and Germany. Among the benefits of wind generation are the non-emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, reduction of dependence on fossil fuels, improvement of the local economy, generation of jobs and diversification of the energy matrix.

Despite being considered a clean and renewable energy source, wind energy has some negative impacts, such as noise and visual pollution. The noise from the operation of wind turbines can be disturbing for the local population, but in recent years technological development has allowed a significant reduction of this noise. Wind farms are usually installed in open areas to make better use of the winds, so they are very visible, changing the landscape. Many people react negatively to the new landscape. Impacts on fauna must also be considered, such as the collision of birds and bats with wind turbines and loss of habitat. To reduce these impacts, the areas where the wind farms will be installed

must be thoroughly studied.

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