Angola acolhe o Centro Regional de Energias Renováveis da África Central
Jornal de Angola
Largo Irene Cohen - Luanda
Largo Irene Cohen - Luanda
Correio Kianda
Angola vai acolher, a partir de Março deste ano, a sede do Centro Regional de Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética da África Central, cujo papel passará por desenvolver estudos virados para as necessidades da região em termos destas matérias, soube o Jornal de Angola em Kinshasa, capital da República Democrática do Congo.
This Friday, 10/14, the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) officially handed over Largo Irene Cohen to the Provincial Government of Luanda, duly renovated and modernised. The monument is located in the Urban District of Ingombota and is surrounded by two other points of historical and cultural value, the Provincial Government Building and the Church of Nossa Senhora do Carmo.
The Irene Cohen square was reopened, today, the 14th, by the Governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, after being rehabilitated, as part of an offer by the National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG), as part of its social responsibility.
After such a long break, we are here to reactivate the regular publication of our Newsletter.